Al Bustan Village in الرياض

Saudi ArabienAl Bustan Village


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3010 – Al Arid Unit No: 2, 13332, الرياض, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakte telefon: +966 11 223 5192
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 24.8534099, Longitude: 46.6377777

kommentare 5

  • Sandeep Jha

    Sandeep Jha


    What a place.A private compound in Riyadh owned by Palayan group. You get all recreational facilities with a great restaurant. The villa on rent us very costly starting rent starts from USD 4000.

  • muhammad junaid

    muhammad junaid


    Beautiful place. You will not feel like you are in Saudi Arabia here. Absolutely amazing.

  • en

    Jamie Wooldridge


    I lived here for one year and while the facilities (gym, food options, store) are great, the community as a whole is terribly depressing. The compound is setup much like a prison - you'll hear the phrase "concrete jungle" from most visitors. The villas are fairly small (compared to other compounds) with minimal natural light. In addition, the compound expresses publicly that is a western compound, but this is simply not true. Overall, there is a lack of community to this enormous living center. I've heard rumors that there is a customer service team that is supposed to reach out when you arrive, but we never received any such welcome. In addition, if you have an issue and request ways to resolve it, expect it to fall on deaf ears. This company must be thriving, because they simply do not care about their residents satisfaction - a lesson in customer service would do this management company good. Most residents simply give up voicing concerns because the Management company will become hostile or ignore you outright.... which is what we did. If you have an expectation of a real western living experience, including any element of customer service - you need to look elsewhere.

  • Mahmood Al Dawod

    Mahmood Al Dawod


    One of the best and newest compounds in the city. Different types and sizes of villa from 250000 to 400000 a year. Huge facilities includes in door stadium, hotel and many outdoor pools and restaurants. They have in the premises the American and German Schools.

  • Raj Vinjamuri

    Raj Vinjamuri


    Very friendly staff. Room service, housekeeping, front desk, and all staff I interacted with over two weeks are exceptionally friendly and service oriented. Turki, a gentleman who man's the front desk, is a great host. The hotel restaurant is great in all ways except service can be slow. Laundry was done well and promptly. Prices are on the higher end, but it's worth it. Room service food delivery is very prompt. The rooms are roughly with 4 star accommodations and are clean. They are fit with a king bed, mini fridge, desk, TV, and more. The little details are what make it ~4 stars. Check out the compound Google map location for reviews and details concerning the greater amenities.

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