Hotel Wakan w Jeddah

Arabia SaudyjskaHotel Wakan


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

7027 Manarat Bab As Salam, As Salamah District, Jeddah 23436 3586, Manarat Bab As Salam, 23436, Jeddah, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakt telefon: +966
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 21.5841104, Longitude: 39.1584156

komentarze 5

  • Khaled Al Haifane

    Khaled Al Haifane


    مكان رائع للاجازات والعمل وانيق جدا

  • Apo Aser

    Apo Aser



  • Azhar Saigh

    Azhar Saigh


    It is fair to say it is a good place if economizing is your number 1 priority. We had 1 furnished suite ( 2 specious bedrooms with Tv/1 restroom no bathtub/ living room) The place is clean and things are new. You can actually see some stuff have their packaging plastic on. It has decent minibar and a kettle with beautiful cups though there is no coffee or tea provided. The air condition is beyond magnificent👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 I expect that people who are looking for a real 3-4 stars hotel won't like it because I have few notes about the room's facilities: 1) The bathroom appears to be clean but the toilet's Cap was moving. We called on the management they promised to fix it in the morning because the plumper was no available at night (the time we arrived 2:45). Rooms change was almost impossible because we are in the national day weekend. They provide one fridge in the master room only . Also, you need to bring your toile and shampoos with you because there is not any provided. 2) The fridge was not cold enough and we had to call the management again. We needed the fridge to function well because of my mom's insulin and medicine. 3) the bill is not working properly. Besides, there is no magic eye to see through who is knocking the door. 4) light was weak and not all of the lights work. Personally I think there is some undefined error in electricity distribution. 5) there was white ants and small bugs. The management did not care about moving us to another room or apologizing to us. They only sent a cleaner to deal with bugs. I should say that the management were very helpful and responsive regarding our requests for extra blankets and pillows (they provide each suite with extra 3 pillows and blankets without request). باختصار لن أحجز مرة اخرى في هذا المكان مرة اخرى بالرغم من تعاون الادارة الا ان المساوىء تطغى على المحاسن، علاوة على وجود الكثير من الوحدات الفندقية مماثلة التكلفة و بجودة اعلى و انظف مثل سفاري جدة.

  • Khaled Al -Hifne

    Khaled Al -Hifne


    مكان مناسب لاجازة نهاية الاسبوع

  • طارق الهاشمي

    طارق الهاشمي



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