Jeddah International Book Fair en Jeddah

Arabia SauditaJeddah International Book Fair



🕗 horarios

Alkurnaysh Road, Jeddah, SA Saudi Arabia
contactos teléfono: +966 12 654 6384
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 21.7445233, Longitude: 39.1309877

comentarios 5

  • Bilal Ur Rahman

    Bilal Ur Rahman


    Had an amazing experience when last time i visited there , and shocked to see there were so many book lovers. Instead of organizing this event yearly, it must be 3-4 times per year

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    Huda Yousef


    There's a lot of book types, good organization, but still sooo crowdy

  • J W

    J W


    It is really exciting to have things like this in Saudi Arabia. However, it needs a better operational plan for the event itself. There is no structure inside the tent in terms of a sectionalization of books and other things on sale. Also, it felt to me like local, national and regional bookstores and publishers came for the event and increased the prices on the books they sold more than they would have cost in the actual bookstore itself... it did not seem like a place I was finding some rare gem or a book at a discounted price...

  • اية اسرة

    اية اسرة


    I found most the books I wanted, but they need to specialize more rooms for English books they were rare.There was a stroller To Help you carry your books. The kids activities were very nice, and the young people who sell there were nice and friendly. The most liked is the booth of food and drink outside the main gathering. Good guys.

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    Ammal Farahat


    Not segmented in anyway. Would be good to separate kids vs adults, by country, text or romance.. etc many options available to make finding a section easier. Though the computerised book search engines make it very easy to find a specific book.

Punto de interés más cercano

📑 todas las categorias

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