King Abdullah Sport City Stadium in جدة

Saudi ArabienKing Abdullah Sport City Stadium


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طريق الأمير طلال بن منصور بن عبدالعزيز, جدة, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakte telefon: +966 12 225 9374
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 21.763245, Longitude: 39.1643229

kommentare 5

  • Faheem Malik

    Faheem Malik


    Perfectly planned events and games . The place accommodate great number of people with ease. Have staff that knows their jobs. Flexible enterancees with all facilities.

  • en

    Suren Ragav


    Good Design.. well maintained.. huge parking lot... seating arrangement inside the stadium is good..

  • Mirza Humayun Afsar

    Mirza Humayun Afsar


    One of the best stadium present in the Country. Beautiful layout and seating arrangement. Moreover, food stalls are also available around in each block. The facilities are incredible and well planned arrangement to welcome more than 60000 spectators at a specific event.

  • Gareth Hood

    Gareth Hood


    Nice stadium with stupid parking. Clean well organised with very fairly priced food. Parking hasn’t been well designed for exit with small access roads. Arriving and parking on the side of stadium you want has to be planned as well.

  • Ali Ponjait

    Ali Ponjait


    Big stadium, parking is confusing without proper navigation board and closed in areas without good reason. Good and separate entries for family, good maintained toilets, prayer place. Ticket counter is slow. Entry system is not that fast either. Anyhow it is one of the best Stadium in Saudia. Happy to be there

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