Motor Vehicles Periodic Inspection w الرياض

Arabia SaudyjskaMotor Vehicles Periodic Inspection



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Dammam Branch Road, Al Munsiyah, 13253, الرياض, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakt telefon: +966 11 246 1220
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 24.8209736, Longitude: 46.7839864

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sy Shafiq


    Very quick In-out in 5 min but long wait to enter. Best time to visit late afternoon 2-3 pm.

  • en

    Haroon Shabbir


    Time consuming. Plan to spend an average of 45 mins to an hour any day or time. Please note that you'd only need this of you need to renew your car registration or if you're about to sell your car. The process itself is very efficient but due to huge number of cars in Riyadh, you'd always find rush.

  • Mohammed Yawar

    Mohammed Yawar


    Thursday afternoons are less crowded. The process of inspecting the vehicle is very fast and organized.

  • shanoj sivan

    shanoj sivan


    With the help of Vibrant and dynamic staff of MVPI inspection done in 5 mins ! Fast and speedy process, just handover the car and walk through the pedestrian lane, when u reach at the end of lane ur car will be ready ! Loved it 😊

  • Mohammed AlShowaier

    Mohammed AlShowaier


    Really old and dated. Needs to be renovated. If your vehicle failed the inspection, do NOT trust the shops near the MVPI. They dont really fix your car. They do some "modifications" to make your car pass inspection and on top of that, they are really expensive. Instead, go to a mechanic you trust to really fix the issue and its often much cheaper.

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