Thamer International School w Jeddah

Arabia SaudyjskaThamer International School


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Quraysh, 23524, Jeddah, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakt telefon: +966 12 697 1865
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Latitude: 21.5978031, Longitude: 39.1556832

komentarze 5

  • asim mohammdali

    asim mohammdali


    I will register my son today, the school look great up until now.

  • Makram Matar

    Makram Matar


    I miss going to Thamer.I left in 3rd grade and went to J.P.I.S which is horrible.I really miss it because I was there since nursery.I am excited I am goimg there next year.For the people complaining about the 2 exams and 2 pop quizes,I have 6 exams a week in my school so you are lucky be grateful you are in such a wonderful school. Tala 7th Grade

  • bobgt5 0 0

    bobgt5 0 0


    Im sure many people are reading this if you want to put your child in that school STOP RIGHT THERE. if your child is grade 4 or 5 or 6 dont register him there because he will lose his childhood just doing homework and having two exams EACH WEEK which is really hard plus he will be having at least 2 pop quiz in the same week. i study in this school plus that the principal in the middle school is really tough and not cooperating with students but in the senior school the principal IS MORE KIND. the curriculum is really hard in the middle school plus the senior school plus in senior school we have only one P.E session which is also bad

  • ola ahmed

    ola ahmed


    id say as a person who has went to the school since kindergarten , it may be difficult going into it in middle school but since i was enrolled into the school early on , it molded me into a person i am very grateful to be .This school makes you grow and learn from your experiences. The new principal is working on making more events and we've had more events than i could ever think of .And what i'm most grateful for is my friends . As you grow , there might be a lot of rude people and bullies and that simply means that you need to look on the bright side of things .Maybe sometimes you don't get an opinion but that gives you another trait , drive . You can be driven to achieve your goal.The lack of sports may be upsetting but it has improved over the years .Yes , maybe you can come home and be stressed but that excites you even more when something like sports day is coming up.Every place has a chance of improvement and i thankfully was there to see it slowly become better and better , academically and emotionally for the students.Yes , you can go into another school but all will be the same , its just a choice of whether you'd be willing to give it a chance .This school is my home , and it will be to all of you if you give it a chance . Thank you for reading

  • SweetPeppermintz



    It's a horrible school. I've went there and gosh it's so bad. Definitely hard for people who just moved in this school, or Jeddah as a whole. Most of the girls in my class keep hitting me everyday. And for some reason im the one to blame. The overall layout of the school is horrible too. It takes like 30 minutes just to get out of the school and in the school. You have to practice for a "mock" exam(which is practice for a checkpoint exam) which i think is stupid. 0/10 recommend. Don't bring your children here Edit: Mothers bought questions from teachers in a whatsapp group. How do I know that? They found a girl with a paper that had a question that was the exact same in the exam.(don't sue me, its free speech. I heard this from a reliable source) They asked how she got it, she said her mom bought it from the teacher. Now instead of being a normal school and making an internal investigation, discovering what's the truth, apologizing if its found true, firing the teachers, suspending/expelling the students that were in this, you just bury this incident. Then there's the thing with the PE teacher ( Rest in peace, you will be missed) they only announced her death and (from what I heard) they told the students not to speak about it. They didn't even dedicate a PE period, or a few hours, to remember her in her greatest moments. Thamer, you truly, utterly, immensely disgust me.

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