The Butcher Shop & Grill in Jeddah

Saudi ArabienThe Butcher Shop & Grill



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Prince Saud Al Faisal, Jeddah, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakte telefon: +966 12 611 5947
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 21.5597369, Longitude: 39.1534479

kommentare 5

  • en

    sakinah al kayyal


    We had planned to go and buy meat there-the traditional South African biltong and boerewors. We were well received by the manager Mr Arkan who explained step by step the different types of meat available. Feeling at ease we decided to dine there. Service excellent. Food tasty especially the complimentary boerewors in red onion tomato sauce. Even the bread and the cheese WOW! The starter mussels were delicious. Chris the trainer was so polite attending to us. Definitely recommend this restaurant! And we will return there too☺

  • Fahd Mirza

    Fahd Mirza


    The best steak in town. Try the tenderloin fillet or the veal tenderloin. Chicken fan? Go for the chicken espetada.

  • Bander Kutbi

    Bander Kutbi


    One star off because of the cost to quality ratio. Place is really good, yes, but could be a decent bit better. I'll cone again, simply because there are few other steakhouses.

  • Abdallah Haikal

    Abdallah Haikal


    One of my most favorite places in Jeddah. The food is cooked to perfection. The general atmosphere there is just breathtaking. The service is at its finest❤ I guess the prices are fair compared to what you will be served and fed. I would definitely recommend it to a friend or even a stranger. 😂

  • Moataz Alandijani

    Moataz Alandijani


    A good place for meet lovers..... but dont expect Kobe or high end plates. Big question mark on their level of service...... one time u will feel great, other times u get the opposite. The butcher (Egyptian guy) seems to be an expert and pretty much nice to deal and talk with.

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