UPS Express w Jeddah

Arabia SaudyjskaUPS Express



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3330, Sari, 23443, Jeddah, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakt telefon: +966 9200 02555
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 21.5833995, Longitude: 39.1727192

komentarze 5

  • Yasser Helmy

    Yasser Helmy


    Small branch and one employee to serve all the people.

  • Mohammed AlGhamdi

    Mohammed AlGhamdi


    Most definitely not the same UPS service as in the states! They don't offer or sell packing boxes!!!! REALLY!!!

  • en

    fruit 122


    Worst shipping company ever!! I haven’t been getting any updates from the website as they say the shipment is still with customes and the customs actually sent me an email yesterday telling me that my shipment was released and the due date was over.

  • en

    DJ Abdul


    Wouldn't take my faulty audio interface to ship to the USA manufacturer. As the clerk lied to me and claimed that it's a country policy the prohibiton of shipping electronics outside.

  • en

    Khalid Aldahar


    UPS been my favorite shippement service in USA but so far this is my 2nd shippement to saudi in Jeddah and sadly it's so bad I mean until the day it arrived and got a call regarding my location I told them I can collect it because my experience with mail service in ksa for delivery is bad they prefered to deliver it to me I was happy the fact they did show that they taking people Shippments seriously and going to deliver it on time they took my location via WhatsApp and details and told me it will arrive 100% to my location and we will call you once we are near so far nothing and it's 30 January 2017 that's a very bad reputation and the Oporation department should take there work seriously!!! Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 01/28/2017 6:00 A.M. Arrival Scan 01/28/2017 9:23 A.M. Import Scan 01/28/2017 9:23 A.M. Out For Delivery 01/28/2017 10:15 A.M. Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed. 01/28/2017 11:26 A.M. The receiving business was closed. ( not true as no call or anyone did come plus it's a home not a business) 01/28/2017 12:59 P.M. Destination Scan And it get stuck on ....Scheduled Delivery: Scheduled delivery information is not available at this time. Please check back later. Just an update best way to receive your Shippment is from one of UPS Express branch because they can't get lost or confused findling the location. And this solved my problem. There you go my full story !

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