Al Jazeerah Equestrian Club w Jeddah

Arabia SaudyjskaAl Jazeerah Equestrian Club



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وادي ام الحبلين um hablyn valley, Um Hableen, Jeddah 23741, Saudi Arabia
kontakt telefon: +966 55 581 9819
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 21.7102005, Longitude: 39.2209878

komentarze 5

  • Yusuf Khan

    Yusuf Khan


    Totally awesome

  • Abdul Rahman Shariff

    Abdul Rahman Shariff


    I think this is the best Equestrian center in Jeddah. I had been looking out for places to ride in Jeddah and after visiting a few of them I found this place to be the best. They have designated arenas for schooling, flat work and Show Jumping. The horses are also segregated for beginners, novice and advanced riders. They have three differebt breeds. Arabian, thoroughbred and warm bloods. Loved their warm blood stables. The environment is good for family. They have a play are for kids along with a canteen / Restaurant. I happened to co ordinate with Amal who helped me to get to the place and meet the owner of the stables. The owner, Prince Naif is an amazing man I have ever met in the equestrian field. Would love to visit again. Do visit the place and sign up for riding if you are in Jeddah. Prince Naif is one of the top riders of the kingdom. Happy Riding !!!

  • Yazeed Ghazali

    Yazeed Ghazali


    One of the most welcoming places

  • en

    Safa Syria


    The best club i’ve ever experienced

  • Lubna Fatima

    Lubna Fatima


    The best best best equestrian club in Jeddah. Friendly environment and excellent trainers. Loved spending time there. Experience worth investing for.

najbliższy Punkt zainteresowania

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