American International School - Riyadh (AIS-R) i Riyadh

Saudi ArabienAmerican International School - Riyadh (AIS-R)



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Al Arid, Riyadh 13332, Saudiarabien
kontakter telefon: +966 11 459 7500
internet side:
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Latitude: 24.8467214, Longitude: 46.6354608

kommentar 5

  • en

    mm pp


    The school is horrid. On a recent note, counselors state that most students are bullied and prodded. What kind of school does that? States such things and do nothing about it. Also, a child was bullied at school in a restroom and that same child was at school the next day, after he beat a child senseless. Their theme "Think Compassion" is their own form of propaganda. They waste their time, making sure students engage in these blasphemous activities when they don't learn anything from them and they themselves do not enjoy it. Do not bring your child into a mess such as this. This school is terrible and no child should have distractions apart from learning. Also the counselors do not do anything to help their students. They are there only to make money and that's it. That being said, DO NOT BRING your child to a school such as this.

  • Human Rights

    Human Rights


    A very respectful & professional staff A new beautiful building, a very organized school and a great library! School hours are 8:30 -3:00 which is a bit long for the younger ones! No aquatic center! Which is a major downside! No busses available! Another major downside! For the very expensive fees it should have aquatic center and busses!

  • ⓖⓞⓞⓓ ⓜⓐⓝ

    ⓖⓞⓞⓓ ⓜⓐⓝ


    An ancient international school, I hope my children will learn in this school. But tuition fees are very expensive

  • en

    Ali Husnain


    Been going to this school since first grade and will be a senior in the upcoming school year. This school is a wonderful place and in my opinion the best school in the city. The education standard is very high and good. The teachers are very good and the school also has terrific facilities. The atmosphere is positive. I have so many memories here, but what I love most is the diversity.

  • Pam W.

    Pam W.


    I am new to the kingdom and I wanted to place my children at a secondary school. I visited your new campus at which the American school is residing at the moment and it looks spectacular, as well as that I have heard good things about the International Baccalaureate program; that involves boosting student’s confidence, acknowledging student’s contribution and preparing students for university. However, as a parent, I am questioning about placing my children here as I have gotten very little information on your website and teachers regarding the knowledge,subject material and syllables used and needed to pass the entrance exam; which is concerning as I would hope my children would be accepted a place in the school even though they are not American. Your reply would be much appreciated :)

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