Aramex Sulaymaniyah en Riyadh

Arabia SauditaAramex Sulaymaniyah



🕗 horarios

3269, Prince Mamduh Bin Abdulaziz Street, 12241, Riyadh, SA Saudi Arabia
contactos teléfono: +966 11 288 6817
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 24.708761, Longitude: 46.6891275

comentarios 5

  • Candida Rego

    Candida Rego


    Terrible service! My documents are still with them for over a week despite making 10+ calls to Aramex. I have paid the premium amount for delivery yet they send sms to collect from branch. Zero effort to achieve customer satisfaction

  • Ans B Abraham

    Ans B Abraham


    Truly professional service... Customer care executive is really looking for customer satisfaction..

  • Khalid Shariff

    Khalid Shariff


    Service center for the ARAMEX. Open on Friday & Saturday as well. Good staff .

  • en

    roxee sarmiento


    They've sent an Arabic sms so I called them though i didn't understand the msg. I just assumed my item is for delivery so I requested it to be delivered upcoming Saturday which i waited. Another sms came that day, Arabic again so I clicked the link provided and its there showing a map of the nearest Aramex in Sulemaniyah. I track my package again and its there, noted to be picked up! What is this? Very poor service!

  • Salim Hamad

    Salim Hamad


    Aramex has rapidly grown into a global brand, recognized for its customized services and innovative products. Listed on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and based in the UAE, Aramex is centrally located at the crossroads between East and West, which allows us to provide customized logistics solutions anywhere in the world effectively and reach more businesses and consumers regionally and globally.

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