بافلو وينجز en Medina

Arabia Sauditaبافلو وينجز


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Al Ihn, Medina 42319, Saudi Arabia
contactos teléfono: +966
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 24.4275666, Longitude: 39.6484603

comentarios 5

  • Umar abdullah

    Umar abdullah


    Crispy wing under the sauce which is a good sign for a decent wing

  • ar



    طعمه بالمجمل جيد ولكن احيانا الدجاج لايأخذ وقته في الطهي و٣ أصناف المميزة والباقي يحتاج تطوير

  • en

    Nada A. Alnea'mi


    I ordered parmesan garlic sauce and buffalo sauce bonless wings.. It was ok but tge permesan garlic sauce was spicy amd it had a strong smell it made think twice before tasting it..but the taste wasn't bad Tge chili beef fries was delicious

  • en

    Ayman Al Nemer


    Not as expected

  • abacheese



    well prepared food , tasty and varied . i love the ambiance of sport watching hangout place and the staff is friendly . i tried three flavor of their wing and they all tasted good and original , i loved their onions rings as well since they are made of actual sliced onions and not preformed like other restaurants . they also have a killer apple pie which i recommend as well . would recommend if you are a fan of wings and soccer :)

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