Chimney Cake Bistro i الرياض

Saudi ArabienChimney Cake Bistro



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Uthman Ibn Affan Rd, An Narjis, 13322, الرياض, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966 55 164 9416
internet side:
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Latitude: 24.8181063, Longitude: 46.6868221

kommentar 5

  • Mohammed Fahad

    Mohammed Fahad


    Beautiful interior, the cherry coke was not bad, Waiters are inexperienced but nice, the pistachio chimney cake was delicious, and the salmon sandwich was something amazing. The granola was amazing also, normal service and prices are normal

  • Adel Abuhaimed

    Adel Abuhaimed


    Nice sitting area (Family section) they have nice shrimp spicy. Presentation awesome

  • en

    Raghad Saleh


    I haven't tried the food I only had a cup of coffee and a large pistachio and chocolate chimney cake and both of them was great and delicious. Also, the place was so good and nice. The only problem was in their staff, they weren’t friendly

  • Shadia Othman

    Shadia Othman


    This place has so much potential.. The atmosphere, decor and service are perfect. The food is good but a bit overpriced for the portions. Tweak the menu, slightly, and this could be a 5 star restaurant! Also, soda is not available and they don’t allow you to bring it from outside - disappointing for someone who can’t enjoy a steak or burger without cola😅

  • Mohammed Akhtar

    Mohammed Akhtar


    Worst place to eat food was cold, staff was useless and everything was slow and bad. Please do not go here please.

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