Haagen-Dazs en Jeddah

Arabia SauditaHaagen-Dazs



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7169, Al Kurnaysh Road, 23415, Jeddah, SA Saudi Arabia
contactos teléfono: +966 51 896 7552
sitio web: www.haagendazs.us
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 21.5826217, Longitude: 39.1091512

comentarios 5

  • Hassan Gary

    Hassan Gary


    Salted Caramel ice cream. Period.

  • Osama Shesha

    Osama Shesha


    I always come at 11 Am in the morning at Red Sea mall , and most of the time they are waiting for the machine to warm up or they forget the key of the supplying store !! Bad and weak management 🙄

  • Raghdah Hakeem

    Raghdah Hakeem


    The store has limeted flavors of Ice Cream. Only three flavors! The cashier guy was rude to us and very sassy. This is not the quality you expect from such a brand.

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    Mohammad Al Yami


    Nice place and decor. If you want the sea view, don't bother with this place.

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    Ayoub Qadri


    If you are going to eat Ice Cream, then make sure it has cream "in it". Most brands sold in local supermarkets don't even have "cream" as an ingredient. Actually, most of the brands are down not simply unhealthy but dangerous to consume. So if you want to treat yourself to some good ice cream, this (Haagen-Dazs) is the brand to indulge and enjoy. That is until other brands like, Ben & Jerry’s (Pistachio Pistachio), Turkey Hill, Julies, Luna and Larrys, SO Delicious, Three Twins, hit Jeddah !

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