Jollibee en Riyadh

Arabia SauditaJollibee



🕗 horarios

6514, New Industrial Area, Riyadh 14332, Saudi Arabia
contactos teléfono: +966 58 343 3765
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 24.5573065, Longitude: 46.8900548

comentarios 5

  • Tubal Cain

    Tubal Cain


    Filipinos love this fastfood store! Jollibee is a fastfood restaurant under the Jollibee Foods Corporation of the Republic of the Philippines. It is very famous for its fried chicken that has a unique taste and crispy texture that is very appealing to the taste of every Filipino. A few years ago, the Jollibee Foods Corporation opened so many branches in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and so far it is doing well in catering to the Filipino Overseas Contract Workers and other expatriates and local citizens of the kingdom..

  • TechHelp Bangla

    TechHelp Bangla


    I So Happy See My Favorite Restaurant Here :)

  • Florence San Felipe

    Florence San Felipe


    Good food but always busy and with delivery is very bad they are choosing which customer to serve i call before for delivery they said its 100sr minimum order but when my saudi friend order there is no minimun amount of order.

  • Jael Asentista

    Jael Asentista


    Brings us the taste of filipino hospitality

  • Ermond's Corner

    Ermond's Corner


    Home of the famous Fried Chicken with extra special gravy , A taste of asian style burgers and spaghetti which are being famous for its sweet and spicy combination

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