King Fahad Cultural Centre i Riyadh

Saudi ArabienKing Fahad Cultural Centre



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Ar Rafiah, Riyadh 12752, Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966 11 480 0837
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Latitude: 24.6396412, Longitude: 46.653093

kommentar 5

  • Hadi hemsi

    Hadi hemsi


    Amazing hall. Great facilities but they should check their technical stuff more. The drapes for the stage were not working which cause some difficulties during the event.

  • en

    Hamad Abusaq


    Very elegant place. Will a remarkable these day with vision 2030.. Good memories will ocure here . 👍❤️

  • Tubal Cain

    Tubal Cain


    The King Fahd Cultural Center is a government owned and maintained facility that is intended for the preservation of literature and culture. In this complex is a very beautiful auditorium with state of the art audio and video systems and designed perfectly to cater to large scale performances. I have visited this place in many instances and I have experienced the high quality engineering utilized to create this magnificent place.. I hope that this office be maintained in its high quality condition through the coming years...

  • Moon Rafique

    Moon Rafique


    Were here for Chinese Cultural show.. enjoyed.. it is good to bring harmony between two cultures.

  • DILKUSH Dilkush

    DILKUSH Dilkush


    I saw a play and it was good. Some art was displayed. This place is quiet big and amazing

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