Land of Events in Jeddah

Saudi ArabienLand of Events



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Alkurnaysh Road, 23733, Jeddah, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakte telefon: +966
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 21.7442652, Longitude: 39.1308937

kommentare 5

  • Mohammed Al Mourabet

    Mohammed Al Mourabet


    For sure it is a nice and good place to exhabit, different varieties but they need to work more on fine tuning the organization

  • muhammad aslam

    muhammad aslam


    This wonderful place near to sea & I went there to attend Intl. Book Fare..

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    Fazal Khan


    jeddah book fair - very bad

  • Yara Garoot

    Yara Garoot


    I'm rating this facility for the 3rd book fair held here. Great organization and wonderful set up. It gets better every year truly. I love the kids space and the information screens. I would recommend more eating options tho. Overall it's a great event with enormous effort

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    A.S Adil


    Nice place for outing,it's near the beach side and now a days there is an international interesting book fair going on which contains the best collection of book all over the world,with almost all countries have their stall with different languages.It is life event for book lovers contains almost all the different writers books from all over the world.But the saddest part is that it is only till the comming Sunday that is till 24 Dec 2017.

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