Laylina Restaurant en Dammam

Arabia SauditaLaylina Restaurant



🕗 horarios

Viernesabierto 24 horas
King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Road, 32411, Dammam, SA Saudi Arabia
contactos teléfono: +966 13 822 9666
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.4966994, Longitude: 50.1342017

comentarios 5

  • en

    Arshad Kadli


    Good ambience. Food is acceptable.

  • en



    Very nice place for families, kids love the playing area and adults enjoy eating, plus sea view which is my favorite

  • Fatima Al-Kooheji

    Fatima Al-Kooheji


    Food is below average. Place is good, indoor cabinets are great and in good condition . . You can enjoy watching the sea and eating in a cold place ~

  • Ahmed Abu Rshaid

    Ahmed Abu Rshaid


    I love the food, location, and the atmosphere there, I just wish the view looked more "clean". The cabin we got had a rusty balcony fence and broken ceramic tiles (see the attached photos)

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    Zainab Darwish


    I dont recommend it at all .we went there because its outdoor place but the setting table was dirty and the food was belew average ..the pizza was very oily ..and staff were not professional ..even the worst thing was i saw a big rat running throgh the tables and heading to the fence was horrible to see and staff done nothing as its normal to have rat around really afraid i will get sick tonight

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