Miss Shrimp en Medina

Arabia SauditaMiss Shrimp



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3462 6345, Al Abbas Ibn Ubadah, 42391, Medina, SA Saudi Arabia
contactos teléfono: +966 56 677 4055
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 24.4231859, Longitude: 39.5806265

comentarios 5

  • Yoofy Nd

    Yoofy Nd


    مره لذيذ يمممم.. ماشاء الله تبارك الله.. و كلهم شباب سعوديين تطمن ان الأكل نضيف.. ممتاز بإختصار

  • Mojahid Abualkhair

    Mojahid Abualkhair


    Best shrimp 🍤 in town 😍😍😍😍🍤🍤🍤❤️❤️❤️

  • yousef shokr

    yousef shokr


    يعجبني المطعم متخصص في الجمبري فقط .بيقدم افضل أطباق جمبري من ناحيه الطعم والجودة أولا اهم السعر

  • ar

    صالح الحربي


    مشاء الله تبارك الله الذ جمبري وبطاطس بالمدينة نظافة ... وطعم لذيذ.... وسعر مناسب وصاحب المحل شاب سعودي متواجد على طول وحريص على رضاء العملاء. .... اتوقع له مستقبل مشرق واتمنى يفتح فروع اخرى

  • abacheese



    This is the way to make the perfect shrimp , i like how this place focused on what it does best and be consistent about it , there is only three dishes here and they all blend together very well , the first is their closest to perfect Dynamite shrimps and it's beautiful presentation , secondly is the best shrimp sandwich in mdeina bar none , and lastly their homemade fries which are fresh and topped with a light sprinkle of dry cheese which elevates it's favour to the next level , and the best part is the friendly staff and quick service as well as the amazing prices, you could fill the stomach of two adults here with the price of a single serving of Dynamite shrimp from other restaurants which honestly taste way inferior than this , i could say with confidence that this is the best shrimp place in medina .

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