Najd Village en الرياض

Arabia SauditaNajd Village



🕗 horarios

Abubakar Siddique Road, Al Wahah, 12444, الرياض, SA Saudi Arabia
contactos teléfono: +966 11 225 0034
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 24.7426361, Longitude: 46.704755

comentarios 5

  • en

    Aziz A


    It is good but not always as good as it should be I mean the food quality. I'm not sure if there is a family section. I was at the men section. Sitting outside in the garden was nice.

  • Tahar Taouaga

    Tahar Taouaga


    Very Nice atmosphere, the place looks like traditional museum. We didn't like the food we order but might be just the dishes we ordered. They serve Saudi traditional food.

  • Khalid J

    Khalid J


    Nice traditional restaurant and great service. Family friendly and delicious food. Can become very busy on weekends, and at the singles section during lunch time on weekdays. Limited parking outside.

  • Bshar Nasri

    Bshar Nasri


    Really a great place to eat a yummy delicious traditional Rice and meet (kabsa). The food is good and the decor is very good for tourist to visit. The prices are little bit expensive but it’s worth it.

  • Waqas Nakhwa

    Waqas Nakhwa


    Amazing food and great ambience ... Enjoy the real Arabic flavours and ethnic food. The place is huge with big private rooms for large gatherings and a good sitting area. A little expensive but worth it for the food and ambience. You will feel you are outside the city and especially enjoy with your family or friends .... This place is a must and worth the visit.

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