Riyadh Village Compound w Riyadh

Arabia SaudyjskaRiyadh Village Compound


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

An Nadhim, Riyadh 14813, Arabia Saudyjska
kontakt telefon: +966 50 970 0426
strona internetowej: www.riyadhvillageksa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 24.7991326, Longitude: 46.8814939

komentarze 5

  • Sevaan Simon

    Sevaan Simon


    Medium range compound at the expected rental price. The compound is nice but the location can be a little difficult.

  • Johan Swart

    Johan Swart


    Nice vibe. Excellent pool.

  • es

    David Pinilla


    Solo he conocido el restaurante y las zonas exteriores pero solo por eso merece la pena venir. Hay un gran ambiente en torno al restaurante y las instalaciones están muy bien!

  • Zahoor Ahmed

    Zahoor Ahmed


    Like too much atmosphere inside. Have options for full light Dim light dinner with light and hot water.

  • en

    Jonathan Hedgecoe


    I've been living at Riyadh Village now for almost six months and I can honestly say it's an absolute pleasure. The facilities and amenities are superb and along with a welcoming, warm and diverse crowd of people, this really makes for a great place to live. Security is decent and every single staff member from the gardeners to the Bistro crew are good fun to be around. The management do an outstanding job in the day to day running of the village and are always doing everything they can to further improve our experience here. I cannot speak highly enough of this place and would recommend it to anyone. Jonathan

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