شاورما خيال w Jeddah

Arabia Saudyjskaشاورما خيال


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

An Naim, Jeddah 23526, Saudi Arabia
kontakt telefon: +966
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 21.6178364, Longitude: 39.1392902

komentarze 5

  • Goldsmith77



    This is truly one of the best Shawarma places I've ever tasted. Design:Different 👍🏼. Price:Questionable but a bit reasonable. 🌯:The Shawarmas were small but they filled me up with only 2 Shawarmas. 🍹:Fruits were fresh and very well done! ⏳:I ordered 5 Shawarmas and 2 drinks the wait was 5 minutes,impressive! For me I hope the best for this branch because I've seen a lot of reviews the other branch was very bad,go check this place out!

  • en

    Mohannad Alfateh


    One of the best Shawarmas you'll ever have. They serve both chicken and beef. With alot of choices of bread e.g. Turkish, arabic, bannini, ... The making of shawarma is supervised by Turkish chefs. They, also, serve a delicious pomegranate juice. Families section is available

  • Ahmed Basyoni

    Ahmed Basyoni


    They have new choices for the adventurous souls out there 😎 The New Choices is: 1- Fried Shawerma; it's a strange name surly but the taste takes you away. Fried but not soaked in oil. Fried but light on your stomach 😉 Served in Rokak bread and Chicken only. 8 SR 2- Banini: It's a new concept with our beloved banini bread 😅 It has rocca, a "not cucumber" pickles 😝 and a sauce. It's a new adventure but missing the lovely garlic sauce 😳 You can choose either white or brown bread and between chicken or meat. 18 SR but 1 sandwich will fill you up. 3- Turkish bread: Unfortunately I didn't try it 😬 15 SR Other than that they serving Shawerma Sandwiches, Plates and Iskender. Fresh Juices and Konafa just like the original Khayal Restaurant.

  • Ahmad Ghamdi

    Ahmad Ghamdi


    Basically, the best shawarma ever

  • Khaled Alahmadi

    Khaled Alahmadi


    Delecious, high hygiene standard and fast service.

najbliższy Restauracja

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