Swedish police i Riyadh

Saudi ArabienSwedish police


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4199, Aishah Bint Abi Bakr, 12983, Riyadh, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966 11 430 5123
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Latitude: 24.5885745, Longitude: 46.6511893

kommentar 5

  • Ahmed Almuzini

    Ahmed Almuzini


    اقدم شكري لجميع منسوبي هذا المركز بدون استثناء تعاملهم راق🌹🌹🌹

  • abuhmeed alrasheed

    abuhmeed alrasheed


    موظفين الله يعطيهم العافية

  • Talal Alhokair

    Talal Alhokair


    حماكم الله واعانكم على نصرت المظلوم

  • Mohammed Dahan

    Mohammed Dahan



  • Basharathullah Mohammed

    Basharathullah Mohammed


    I recently went here to report my stolen car, I was really amazed with the officers there, they were really good, polite, helping nature. As I could not speak Arabic, the officer who filed the complaint tried his best to tell me in English, the captain was very good and he even helped me to meet with the manager. I would not be so comfortable in my own country! May Allah bless these people, this country and all security forces of this country. Ameen

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