توكوشي - سوشي هاوس Tokushi - Sushi House en Medina

Arabia Sauditaتوكوشي - سوشي هاوس Tokushi - Sushi House



🕗 horarios

King Abdullah Branch Road, 42364, Medina, SA Saudi Arabia
contactos teléfono: +966 14 869 1766
sitio web: www.tokushimed.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 24.442905, Longitude: 39.6660781

comentarios 5

  • en

    Aim Mee


    You can taste the authenticity of the japanese cuisine. Love it!

  • Badr baghdadi

    Badr baghdadi


    The sushi is good i admit it but the ret isn’t that much, the chicken was really dry and the rice wasn’t cooked well... all in all just go with the sushi

  • Rachmat Zulkarnain

    Rachmat Zulkarnain


    Provided very good entertainment by teppanyaki chef while he was preparing our meals. Food was very good and the sushi was excellent.

  • Minhaj Lashkor

    Minhaj Lashkor


    Awesome Japanese food. It only has a family section for eat in take out orders are from the back. Watching the chef cook the food in front of you is an amazing sight! We had the King Prawns came with a soup, salad and ice-cream. It was great. Will have to try their sushi next time.

  • Sam Bitar

    Sam Bitar


    Good food and good service. I've had better sushi but this will do

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