Indian Heritage Restaurant i Riyadh

Saudi ArabienIndian Heritage Restaurant



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3067, Taif Street, 12564, Riyadh, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966 53 337 7964
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 24.6533837, Longitude: 46.5766693

kommentar 5

  • Ramy Sharara

    Ramy Sharara


    Wonderful food, astonishing decoration, relaxing environment, slow service

  • Mubarak AlGhamdi

    Mubarak AlGhamdi


    Very good, tasty salads, attentive staff...

  • Ghadah Ahmad

    Ghadah Ahmad


    The food was delicious and the prices are so good and the restaurant is clean and they have fast service and good workers there is a big tables for big family .. "" there is no elevator its difficult for older people to go upstairs ""

  • Zaher Arrabai

    Zaher Arrabai


    Excellent & quick service staff. Food is good but not Indian cousine is not their specialty, more of an East Asian collection if you will.

  • en



    مطعم هندي ممتاز 👌 البهارات مميزة والمطعم نظيف ، تقديمهم للاكل ممتاز والأسعار جداً معقولة. أضافة لذلك اللحم والدجاج محلي وطازج ماتحصل احلئ من كدا 💪 Great Indianan restaurant, food is very tasty and the use of the spices is awesome. Clean reasturent with great family dining area. Prices is very reasonable. If you love Indian food , this is the place to go to. Chicken and meat are local and fresh.

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