Jarir Bookstore i الخبر

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Saudi ArabienJarir Bookstore



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Prince Turkey Street, Corniche, 34427, الخبر, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966 13 894 3311
internet side: www.jarir.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2906059, Longitude: 50.2192334

kommentar 5

  • Aviraj Agarwal

    Aviraj Agarwal


    All types of stationary can be found here. Lot of choices of books is also available here. It would be not wrong if I say it's a book mall. Almost every kind of book can be found here. Either you want it for children or young people or travellers book. Even computer accessories are also available. Also the staff service is also good and helpful..

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    Adel Abhari


    Good place. it's not just for books but you can find everything relating to computers, hand crafts, engineering tools...etc.

  • ALWaleed Hameed

    ALWaleed Hameed


    Awesome place to buy rubix cubes, and diary of a wimpy kid books because I got all of this series from this luxurious place except for book 12 which I am collecting money to buy 😩 and it's only 0.1 km away from my house 😀

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    omer yusuf


    Very good place to buy computers, mobile phones, tablets, printers and other helpful accessories. The bookstore is also very good having diversity of materials and scientific books, plus a very good stationery. Be careful about the prices.

  • bilal hashmi

    bilal hashmi


    Bookstore is not an appropriate word to define this shop, as it sell many other things including computers, mobiles, cameras and various other electronics and non electronic products It’s actually a variety store. I will describe my experience of buying electronics stuff here as that’s what I have normally shopped here for. There warranty services are very good, as I have experienced, and they sell genuine products, even replaced parts under warranty are also genuine. Quality of product is guaranteed however prices are not always competent, so it is always better to review market just before buying from here. Due to all these unmatched qualities i prefer buying my mobiles and stationery from here. 3 stars because their quality of salesmanship has eroded over time, and now it has become a store where you have to roam around yourself searching for products or download their catalogs to get information. If the staff was trained to respect better and provide guidance I would have given better rating.

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