Mena Hotel i Riyadh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Saudi ArabienMena Hotel


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2137, طريق العروبة, 12244, Riyadh, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966 11 288 4433
internet side:
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Latitude: 24.685207, Longitude: 46.688129

kommentar 5

  • en

    CPIT Sultan


    It's good for less than 5 days, you will be wait a lot when you check out

  • en

    Khadisha Beisembekova


    A very pretty hotel, beautiful on the outside, very nice on the inside. Loved their breakfast selections, their pastries are amazing, especially mini pain au chocolate Nice service, very good location.

  • Michael Josef Müller

    Michael Josef Müller


    Nice Hotel in Riad. Friendly and very helpful staff. Breakfast is very good. Barber Shop inside the Hotel is 👍.Staff from the coffeshop is also friendly and helpful.

  • Imran Sherwani

    Imran Sherwani


    Nice quite Hotel. Down side is the restraunt, for dinner I would suggest to have out side. Staff is friendly, Rooms are clean, available on Reasonable rates.

  • Mark Fernandez

    Mark Fernandez


    Staffs were relatively courteous when they feel like being nice. One minute later they don't care at all about being hospitable. The facility is fair enough and the location is outstanding.

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