Motor Vehicles Periodic Inspection i الرياض

Saudi ArabienMotor Vehicles Periodic Inspection



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طريق ديراب , أحد, الرياض, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966 11 246 1220
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Latitude: 24.5109505, Longitude: 46.6414066

kommentar 5

  • Hashim Khan

    Hashim Khan


    Long que during peaks hours between 11 am and 3:30 pm. Around 50 minutes of waiting time. But the service is very fast once you get inside.

  • Mohideen Lawand

    Mohideen Lawand


    All you have to do is take a turn ( sonetimes you hv to wait upto 2 hrs) Pay the fee between 75 to 170 Test will take 5 mins Thats it You have to pay attention to breaks , signal lights and the car should be free from major accidents.....otherwise you have to fix the above and redo the test

  • en

    Ali Sultan


    Most of the staffs are Filipinos. They are very strict but polite. They explained to you how you fix your car problems if there's any.

  • Hugh Gyetvai

    Hugh Gyetvai


    Our first visit last year was a 7 hours torture of waiting in line. Today was a normal 45 minute wait. I will no longer dread coming here.

  • bittu foru

    bittu foru


    What I liked about this place - Multiple lanes, quick service. But I'll be answering your question as to is it really efficient. For that you need to know what is MVPI's criteria in certifying a car inspection valid laying focus on the core points. Body condition external and paint, windshield, rear view mirrors, center mirror, head lights low/high, tail lights, brake lights, indicators, wipers, tyre condition, brake, hand brake, carbon emissions, under body check for leakages. When to go there - Any time during operating hours. My recommendation - Working days after 12 noon.

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