Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Hajar Tower Makkah i Mecca

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Saudi ArabienMövenpick Hotel & Residences Hajar Tower Makkah



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Abraj Al-Bait Mecca, Al Hajlah, Mecca 24231, Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966 12 571 7171
internet side: www.movenpick.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 21.4186207, Longitude: 39.8256372

kommentar 5

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    Overall happy with customer. However the rooms are more like 4 star. We had a quad room with city view but the windows were not clean enough to enjoy the view. The rooms were clean though and customer service was prompt. Restaurants had good selections , the breakfast buffet was excellent and was included with daily rate. The hotel is within 10 min walking distance from the heram Sharif which was extremely convenient. We would return for sure.

  • Shahzad Zafar

    Shahzad Zafar


    Very close access to haram. Spacious rooms. Very cordial house keeping staff. Bf is highly pathetic. Expensive surroundings. You can easily get half priced stuff outside. Pathetic food court.

  • Homam Ahmed

    Homam Ahmed


    Overall experience was very satisfactory. however, the bathroom was a very impractical experience and soured our overall experience stay at the hotel. Hajar restaurant buffet was the highlight and the hotel hospitality was memorable.

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    Masud Barlas


    Luxuriously comfortable stay. We really enjoyed. Peaceful friendly environment. Love to visit again.

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    Syed Ahmed


    This was one of the best hotels I've ever stayed in!!! The room was so comfortable, even the bathroom... Breakfast was nice but everyday it was the same they only changed the curry and deserts... The staff and housekeeping people were very helpful... I loved my stay in this hotel!!! Location is just superb!!! In Sha Allah again when I come for umrah I will make sure that I stay here only...

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