مركز زوار قطار الرياض i Riyadh

Saudi Arabienمركز زوار قطار الرياض



🕗 åbningstider

Al Urubah Road, 12431, Riyadh, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966
internet side: riyadhmetro.sa
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 24.7242752, Longitude: 46.6996949

kommentar 5

  • Sahel Al-akel

    Sahel Al-akel


    10/10 would recommend everyone to go there. Nice presentation followed by a selection of food trucks outside. The juice place was delicious.

  • Tubal Cain

    Tubal Cain


    I have visited this place and we enjoyed the information campaign made by Riyadh Metro to make people understand what is going on in the major constructions in the city. Before, I hate the heavy traffic brought about by the constructions and diggings in the major roads of the city BUT when I realized what Riyadh Metro is all about, I appreciate the Vision 2030 and the efforts of the government to help ease out the future traffic through mass transport system. If there are no trains and everyone has a car then by year 2025,traffic will be unimaginable..

  • Fahad Almutairi

    Fahad Almutairi


    The Riyadh Public Transit Visitor Centre has been created to educate, inform and entertain the citizens of Riyadh about the huge public transport development project underway in the city. The centre will seek to explain why our capital needs an integrated network of buses and metro, give an insight into the huge undertaking and challenges that the construction presents, and showcase how the final system will operate and give people a flavour of what to expect when the network commences operation. You may book up to 2 weeks in advance. You’re welcome to come to the visitor centre again but you must have a 2 week gap between the bookings. The maximum party size for an online booking is 8 people. You must bring either a printed ticket or one saved on your mobile phone.

  • Ivan Irfaan Harris

    Ivan Irfaan Harris


    Great effort by Riyadh development authority / Riyadh Metro. It's in both Arabic and English. Separate tours. Real train rolling stock from the three manufacturers. The models of the stations impressive. Very well done to the model maker. I would like to have seen more videos . Say ten videos ... running simultaneously so at a glance one can see multiple action shots of the underground in construction. Or even a couple of live feeds. To have this built in such a short amount of time is amazing. Why not show also hoe the concrete segments were manufactured and transported. How the loose segments were lifted and connected to each other. Definitely worth a visit!!

  • en

    Ali Hamza


    I loved going here and viewing all the latest developing Projects in the making. Its easy to see all the construction on the roads and get annoyed but seeing in this centre what that construction is for and how they are making it and why we need it, that was in my opinion very important. Now when I see the construction outside I imagine the Metro and the Stations that I saw here and Hope they get completed soon so I can experience them first hand. I wont attach pictures so everyone can experience this place to its fullest. Also they have Tours in Arabic in English for all the expatriates

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