Parking near the Prophet's Mosque i Medina

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Saudi ArabienParking near the Prophet's Mosque


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2907, معرف بن واصل, 42313, Medina, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966
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Latitude: 24.475158, Longitude: 39.6101059

kommentar 5

  • aniq ur rahman

    aniq ur rahman


    Safe place to park your car, moreover you can easily find taxi over there.

  • en

    zubair sattar


    Its free parking. Big space and most of time available. Just before eid days it occupied.

  • Arif Khan

    Arif Khan


    The best place on earth 🌷🌷🌷

  • Syed Misbahuddin

    Syed Misbahuddin


    Big space for parking of vehicles and private buses leaving for different destinations to Riyadh , Jeddah, Mecca, at bargain prices but parking fee is SR5 per hour , a bit costly run by municipality of Medina, easy access to this parking are from sultana street, king Faisal street and king Fahad street, very near to haram shareef , during summer the vehicals can get very burning hot inside as there is no cover for vehicles, it's a open ground, for safe keeping of vehicles, specially people who drive long distances to reach Medina , this is a costly choice , 10 hours parking cost 50 riyals

  • khurram bilal

    khurram bilal


    Paid parking at 5sr per hour

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