شمعة جدة i جدة

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Saudi Arabienشمعة جدة


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Prince Sultan Ibn Abdulaziz, 23615, جدة, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966 12 699 7751
internet side: www.ihotelspa.club
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Latitude: 21.6260006, Longitude: 39.1357171

kommentar 5

  • en

    Abdulrahman Ayoub


    Excellent location and rooms.

  • en

    Adnan Ayoub


    Best price and location

  • en

    محمد بندر


    Good location and good room design. Howver, they have a very poor managment that never care about complaining or comments. Rooms are not clean and Parkings are not good. Stop letting untrained Egyptians lead Saudi tourism industry.

  • Saad AlSalman

    Saad AlSalman


    It is great hotel and the staff is friendly. The rooms (suite) are big with a nice lounge. the breakfast is a simple and cheap which give you the house feeling (they don’t have an open buffet). However, the only two things that I didn’t like is the fact of there isn’t any cleaning service and the WiFi signals isn’t that sufficient.

  • en

    Haney Kandil


    I stay there every time I visit Jeddah. Nice staff, rooms are nice and clean and service is just what you need. Could improve the showers and food though.

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