The Pancake House i الرياض

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Saudi ArabienThe Pancake House



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King Fahad Road, Near Kingdom Tower, Al Olaya, 12214, الرياض, SA Saudi Arabia
kontakter telefon: +966 11 201 6816
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Latitude: 24.7077802, Longitude: 46.6751683

kommentar 5

  • Tim Tezisler

    Tim Tezisler


    Great breakfast joint. Proper cooked breakfast and the pancakes perhaps pushing it over the top for cholesterol levels. However this is a top spot in the Olaya area if you want that full breakfast you crave.

  • en

    BiN No$HaN


    Excellent service, tasty food and reasonable price.. It is my favorite destination for breakfast.

  • Ibrahim Sunaidy

    Ibrahim Sunaidy


    Good quality but high price and busy

  • Ahmed Afsal

    Ahmed Afsal


    Clean place , well trained staff the guy was so polite and helpful .. food was good . Bacon's were yum . Little expensive .

  • en

    Khalid Hamed


    well, its hard to rate this place! lets start with positive ones.. food is really good and tasty and well served. very appealing service is good; friendly staff however the overall ambient is not so comfortable. . unfortunately the AC was broken and it was really hot decoration is dull. nothing lively. even kids didn't like it lastly it is over priced. think well before you go.

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