جاز لاونج en Medina

Arabia Sauditaجاز لاونج



🕗 horarios

Ali Ibn Abi Talib Road, Medina, SA Saudi Arabia
contactos teléfono: +966 54 985 9100
sitio web: jazzlounges.business.site
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 24.4302495, Longitude: 39.6506526

comentarios 5

  • en

    Firdaus Kinariwala


    Very Good Food. The best thing is that they use Local Chicken and Fresh Local Meats A little on the expensive side

  • Minhaj Lashkor

    Minhaj Lashkor


    We had the traditional and oriental breakfast which are small mixes plates of different items. Food was amazing and service was polite and prompt. Location has ample parking and a rooftop family section. Highly recommended!

  • Alaa Sindi

    Alaa Sindi


    The outdoor seating and the view are great. The food and drinks were average. We mostly ordered coffee and tea not a meal. The first thing the menus are on tablets which is nice, but the problem was there was an item added to our table without us knowing or checking before confirming the order. So our order was a tiramisu by mistake, a chocolate souffle, french coffee, tea, and chicken nuggets for kids. The tiramisu was fine but has something off taste. The souffle wasn't french as they say in the menu, it was the Saudi style which I don't like, and comes with two skewers of fruits, which we're dry, and small scoop of ice cream, the soft serve style, and a small cup of milk that we didn't know why. The french coffee was good, coffee, milk , caramel sauce with whipped cream and mixed nuts. The tea was regular tea, nothing to complain about. The kids meal was disappointing as it has four americana nuggets, and frozen fries. Overall, the food below average but I would go back for the view.

  • en

    Muadz Sidin


    Nice environment you got there.. Cosy.. The taste of the food is quite okay and its affordable.. Fast service.. Overall.. Its a cool place to hanging out..

  • J W

    J W


    Excellent service and very good food... beautiful views of Madinah from the rooftop deck while you eat... they even offered us blankets to use due to the cold weather...

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